Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yesterday I had my doctors appointment but before I went I was sitting on the couch watching the news eatting breakfeast when I realized that the laptop was shut.. And I thought to myself that's really weird I don't remember shutting it last night. So then I got to thinking maybe somebody was in our house!!!! (A really absurd idea because realistically they would have taken the lap top and not just shut it.) So anyways I kept staring at it and thought to myself maybe I did shut it last night after all I was really tired. So I continued my usual morning and walked over to check my e-mail when I found a note!!! Jeff left me a note! It was so sweet and made me so happy.

My doctors appointment went really well. Everything is continueing to go smoothly. I am in absolute shock on how you gain weight by not even doing anything!!!!!!

Last night I had a dream about Scarlett but when she was born she was born already big. She was sitting inside her crib and all of the sudden she jumped out- and I freaked. But I saw that she could run!!! And Jeff and I took her into the pool and she was being really cranky. It was really werid. When Jeff woke me up this morning he said you won't believe who woke me up last night? I instantly go into panic mode? Who the heck can it be?? I didn't hear his phone ring.. This is weird. He said Scarlett! He was sleeping and his hand was near my belly and all of a sudden he feels this thump thump. So he wakes up and she continues to do it he said for like 15 mintues. And then he couldn't go back to sleep.Awh...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Seven months pregnant!!! Jeff and I were talking last night how January went by so fast and if Feburary goes by just as fast then March and just a couple weeks in April and then Scarlett will be here!!!! I was putting away all her baby clothes yesterday (which by the way she does not need anymore) I just thought to myself now it's just a waiting game.... And I'm tired of waiting. Jeff asks me all the time what I think she will look like. Anyways- Jeff got a raise last week!!! Woohoo! A very hard and well deserved raise. I am so proud of him. He's made a complete 180 in his attitude and how he views things and I am so happy for him. This Saturday we're going to San Diego. We're going to take the train down there. I am excited for it.
Today I am going to go donate some clothes to the shelter. It's so sad. Everybody knows that they are there but none of us talk about it because it's so tragic. I am so blessed for what I have.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yesterday we discussed the babyshower. I am really excited for it and all the cute ideas!!! After I went and regiesterd at babiesrus. I was more anxious than overwhelmed. I liked looking at all the baby stuff and what my life will be like in just a few months!! I havne't finished regestring yet but I got most of it done. Jeff and I are going tonight to finish it up!! So far he has liked everything I picked out.

Today I had my doctors appointment. It is a relief to know everything is going right on track- the babys heart beat is nice and strong and she is growing just the right amount, not too big and not too small. The doctor also said she is moving a lot and that I will now start going every two weeks to my doctors appointments! And what you've all been waiting for it is for sure a girl!!! The doctor showed me how to tell on the ultra sound. That was a relief!!! I am just glad she is healthy right now and hope she remains that way. Sue wants to talk to me about autsim which is nerve racking... I want her to be fine which I'm sure she will be.

I've been thinking about going to church again for a while. It's just hard. I want to remain Catholic becuase that is what I was baptaized and although I am open to other relgions I want to remain it mostly becuase of my father. It is just so hard to go to church because of the strong feelings of my father that I get when I'm in the presesnce of one. I also really want God in Scarletts life. Although I hated chruch when I was a kid I am glad that my parents introduced me to it because if they hadn't I wouldn't really know about God or Easter or the meanings behind them or Christmas, etc. And I would really like to intrdouce her to it weather it stays in her life or not, that is her decision. I am jsut living in fear of stepping into a church again and getting involved. But I have to overcome that fear. My mom told me when she was my age and younger she was searching for something to fufil a hole she had in her life. And the hole was never filled until she found God. Right now I think I am in that stage. I've been through a lot in life and this past year. Graduating high school, battling drug addiction, my father passing away, my mom moving, etc. that I think I really need God.

Anyways- Scarlett is hungry now!!! I'm going to eat.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hi everyone!!!
So I told myself I was not going to blog tonight but after sitting on the computer failing at trying to figure out how to befriend people on this thing I have chosen to blog, after all I have nothing else to do and need to unwind a little bit. Jeff is playing his video games as usual cussing at the t.v. (Grand Theft Auto has such a terrible impact on people) and I had already made the boys their sandwhiches for tomorrow.

Today was Riley's first birthday!!! Happy Birthday Riley! It was a lot of fun and the food was amazing! I found myself thinking about how I am going to be doing the same thing in a little over a year... It is exciting. My mind started pondering all the wonderful ideas for birthday parties! I cannot wait. Marky's Grandma blessed Jeff and I and the baby but during the blessing she thought Jesse was the father. (halarious yet awkward). I was sweating perfuesly. (spell check). Diana (Jim's sister- in- law) felt the baby move she was all excited and asking me all kinds of questions about how I am feeling. Logan felt her kick too. I think it's cute when people feel her kick for the first time especailly people who don't know what to expect. Precious. Tommorrow I am spending time with my sister. We are going to go regiester for baby stuff! I am excited but sometimes fearful that the date is going to be here sooner than I know it. I'm scared but at the same time know that God will never place something ahead of us that we are not ready for. So I know everything will be alright. As Markys Grandma said to me tonight- this is Gods doing not mine and Jeffs. You can try and try and try a million and one times but only God can make it come true. So I think this was his plan for us. Which I am thankful for. Somebody once told me if you wanna see God laugh tell him your plans. And right now I am deffintily not telling him my plans. Anyways I am kind of rambling right now. Oh and mom if your reading this Jeff and I bought a computer desk! I'll post a picture tommorow so you can see it! Anyways love you all. -Cheers-

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hi Everyone!
So I have decided to make a blog to post pictures and updates on our pregnancy and how me and Jeff are doing and eventually our beautiful daughter, Scarlett. Hopefully this will make it easier to stay in contact with everyone since not everyone has a Myspace. (HaHa). And hopefully so it will be easier for my mom to see what her children are doing since she has moved to Wisconsinon. Hi Mom!
Sunday I will be 7 months pregnant!!!! The time is flying by and I cannot wait for the birth day. I think pregnancy is a beautiful thing but I just don't think it's for me. I hate all the hormones and emotions and the growing and just everything. But it truely is a blessing. She moves a lot in the mornings and after I eat. Jeff has seen her move a couple times- his face lights up like a kids on Christmas Day. I love it. I crave Chipolte all the time (thanks Sally) but right now I am concentrating more on eatting healthier so I don't gain a lot of weight even though all the See's Candy and In-N-Out are tempting I try to only induldge once a week. Monday I have my doctors appointment and I am making sure I bring my ultra sound pictures with me. I am scared I am going to have a boy instead of a girl so I want to make sure it is accurate. Lately I have come across 3 sources that says I am suppose to have a boy. So before I go any further I want to make sure the ultra sound is more accurate than the informaiton I obtained.
Other than that everything has been the same. Jeff is going riding Sunday which I'm happy about becuase he doesn't get to go nearly as often as he'd like and he needs time out with the boys as I do with the girls.
Here are some pictures from month 6th of being pregnant!
Happy New Year!!!!!
Our First Christmas!!!

Crystal Court