Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So as some of you might know Jeff thought I was in labor last night. The entire day yesterday I was having sharp pains in my lower abdemon (sp) and according to the books that is one of the signs of early labor. I on the other hand didn't think I was in labor but the idea of the possibility both excited me and scared me. Mom said it was probably because I was up the night before throwing up.. (Scarlett made me sick again.) :[

Today Becky took some amazing photos of me at the beach.. I cannot wait to see them. :] Thank you Becky!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

We finally went and bought a mattress so we could put the crib together.. I love it! The bedding is perfect. Thank you mom!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I had my doctors appointment today- and yes i ripped the paper again!! I gained 4 pounds- which is better than I thought considering the other day when I got on the scale it said I gained nearly 10 in one week. She said it was because I have been retaining a lot of water. Anyways now for the good stuff: I am still not dilated but she did drop a little- not much. She can barely feel her head. She said the due date is the same: April 15th!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I can't wait for the day:

1. My converse actually fit.
2. I can fit into my jeans again.
3. I can Run!
4. I don't have to rub coco butter or any other kind of 'anti' stretch mark cream on my body.
5. I no longer go to bed at 9:30 pm.
6.. I can sleep anyway I want to!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I had my doctors appointment today.. She started checking me..... Talk about AWKWARD! She said I wasn't dilated yet but her head was pretty far down (if that means anything). She also said that my blood pressure was a little high but not to worry because everything else is fine. Thank you! Then I went to go get my glasses. I can't even count how many times I've nearly fell because I am not used to them. I feel like a midget becuase they make me feel so close to the ground.. haha

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I am 9 months pregnant!! woohoo!

Things Nobody Told Me About Being Pregnant:

Nobody told me that:
1. Shaving would require the flexibility and stamina of a gymnast.
2. I would practically pee myself when I get a swift kick to the bladder.
3. My feet would swell up before I even put on my shoes.
4. A busy day out would wear me out before I finished putting on my makeup.
5. I wouldn't just gain weight in my belly, I would gain it in my face, arms and butt, too.
6. I would get sick of people asking me, "When are you due?" everywhere I go.
7. I would get sick of people looking at my stomach instead of my face when they talk to me.
8. My hands would swell so much that it hurt to wear rings let alone bend my fingers.
9. Jeff would be an expert on words like "dilated" and maybe just symptoms in general.
10. I would have to search online for an industrial strength maternity bra.
11. Chipolte, Mashed Potatoes, and fruit would never taste so damn good.
12. I would be up in the middle of the night several times, BEFORE the baby came.
13. I would long for the day I could wear pants that zipped up.
14. I would worry about the day my baby started driving, dating, etc. before I even saw her.
15. My nose would be constantly stuffy or running.
16. I would require naps, not just want them... NEED them!
17. I would spend hours staring at my stomach watching and feeling her move.
18. I would love her more than anything in the world, long before she was born

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

35 more days until out goes 'Cosmo' and in comes the 'Parenting' magazines!!!!! I know Jimbo will be happy! Haha.

Anyways last night was very eventful. I soaked in the tub and then went into bed and fell right to sleep. Then at 1am I was awkaken by a terrible tummy ache. I laid there quitely trying to to wake Jeff up. That lasted until about 2am when I absolutely knew I was going to throw up at some point soon. So Jeff laid there half awake with me until I ran to the bathroom. That's when the mess started. He later told me this morning he got really hungry while I was throwing up. C'mon who does that? Anyways so after a half an hour of laying on the bathroom floor and my entire Chipolte burrito is in the toilit I wobble back into bed moaning, as Jeff is asking me if he should call the doctor or take me to the hospital. (seriously the cutest thing). And I lay in bed until 4 am awake not being able to move because my tummy hurts so bad! Last night sucked!

Then I had my doctors appointment today. I asked her what she thought was wrong becuase after all I felt pretty good this morning, besides a little queasiness in my tummy. She told me it was probably something I ate. She also told me I will be going to the doctor every week now! Whattt! My heart skipped a beat. It's coming oh so soon! I asked her what she thought about the HPV shot and she said it was fine but she wanted to look into it to make sure it wasn't able to get into my blood stream for when I am breastfeeding.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My second post today.. I'm pretty hardcore about 'Blogger.' Anyways I've been thinking a lot lately... Not by choice, but by the simple fact I have a lot of spare time. (hard to believe I know!) And as the days go by then the weeks and sooner than I know it Scarlett will be here I get more scared everyday. The simple questions (like every first mother has) quiver through my mind.. "Am I going to be a good mother?" The more and more I think about it the more down I get. Perhaps it's the unknown that is bothering me. Or maybe it's the fact that at times I think or I know I'm too young to be a mother.. And how can I raise a little girl if i'm learning how to live on my own now? Which then leads me to this question: "Will I still be able to accomplish my dreams? Or better yet, will I have the strength, courage, and drive to achieve them?" I know all of this is just my mind running- the worst thing for an addict. I know that I can be a mother no matter how young I am.. I know I can still accomplish my dreams, althought it will be a hell of a lot harder now, I know it's still possible. And I know everything will be okay. God doesn't give us anything we cannot handle. And I am a firm believer in that. Sometimes it's just so hard getting the 'negative' thoughts out of your mind and replacing in the good ones. Maybe that's what I need to practice this week.

I had my check up today and met my new doctor for the first time. I was very pleased. He really took the time and explained everything to me. He also informed me he could also be Scarlett's doctor although I am still debating if I want a family praticioner (sp) or a peaditricion (sp). He said in two months he wants me to come back in to do some tests and get the HPV shot.

Monday, March 9, 2009

With about 5 more weeks to go, two more of my 'motherly' instincts have settled in.

1. Cleaning:
It's hard to believe this because just a few weeks ago I was too tired and lazy to do ANYTHING! Getting off the couch was a struggle enough so vaccuming and dusting seemed nearly impossible. And who would have ever thought all the stuff underneath the bathroom sing could EVER bother me? Well without warning it sure did hit me last week, as I went on a cleaning spree- empting out cubberts, going through drawers, organizing every thing in the entire apartment- and believe it or not even WASHING the cubborts and walls. And the worst part about it I had made a plan to do this once a week. (I dream big). Because once I know little Scarlett gets here all that is going out the window!

2. Sleepless nights:
The past two nights have littearlly been SLEEPLESS! I thought all the other times I've said 'I haven't been getting much sleep lately' was the worse of it all. Well that was a lie. Because I go to bed and sure enough at 12:30am give or take a few minutes I am up EVERY hour on the hour. And poor Jeff hasn't been able to sleep ethier. I think all my moving around trying to fall back to sleep keeps him up. I feel so bad. So today my goal is to think of something I can do for him- just to show my appreciation. At times he is so hard to do things for. He doesn't do sweets, so baking is completely out of the question. And he isn't much of Mr. Romantic ethier, so a candle lit dinner- is more out of the question then baking is. He'd settle for a video game or a nice cold beer- which both are out becuase that isn't putting much thought into this!

Friday, March 6, 2009

okay so the cold has finally hit!! For the past week or so Jeff has been complaining that his nose is running or stuffy, he can't breathe, he can't smell, and he hopes he isn't getting sick. A few short days later, I felt the same way. I quickly blame it on allergies... But this morning we now know different. We woke up with sore throats!! Grrr. I feel like we're constnatly getting sick!!! It sucks.. Please cold go away...

And just so everyone knows:
1. There are traces of animal human feses on your purse, cell phone, and keys. As well as maringitis (sp) germs.
2. There are traces of E Coli on the shopping cart handles.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So I went to the eye doctor yesterday. I have a stigmatism- which explains why I can't see at night!!! My glasses will be here in about 4 weeks!!! Psh. 4 more weeks without seeing. My left eye is far worse then my right eye. I really didn't realize how bad my eyes were until she put me to the eye test. But when I get my glasses I will have better than 20/20 vision. SWEET! The unfortunate part is I have to wear them ALL the time for a while. Grrr. I immedatly told Jeff and he was excited. How odd. He sent me a text message "you're going to look so cute." And I instantly replied: "Don't tell me you have a thing for girls in glasses." And he replied, "No I just have a thing for you." That made me smile and fill with butterflies. (gay I know). But it made me happy- knowing that being together for almost a year now, he still makes me smile with the flirtaious things he says to me, just like he did in the very first couple of months we started dating!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

I had my babyshower Feburary 28th and I had a blast. I was seriously having the worst anxiety prior to it that I even recall saying "Jeff your going on my behalf." But I had so much fun and it was a lot easier then I had anticipated. (thank you God). I got so much good and useful things. But as I was done opening all the presents, I thought to myself: " Now all I do is wait for her to get here.. GRR! This is a tease. " Unfortunatly my mom couldn't make it, which was a huge bummer, but I understand and at least she will be here for the most important part: the delievery! I just want to thank everybody who came and my sister for putting on a perfect shower and Becky and Sue for help making it happen! I love you guys! Now here are some pictures.

All dressed up and ready to go!
Diaper Cakes By Aunt Linda

Cupcakes by Sue and Becky!


What are Jeff and Sue looking at?



&&& Here's a slideshow my sister put together of some more pictures of the babyshower: