Wednesday, March 11, 2009

35 more days until out goes 'Cosmo' and in comes the 'Parenting' magazines!!!!! I know Jimbo will be happy! Haha.

Anyways last night was very eventful. I soaked in the tub and then went into bed and fell right to sleep. Then at 1am I was awkaken by a terrible tummy ache. I laid there quitely trying to to wake Jeff up. That lasted until about 2am when I absolutely knew I was going to throw up at some point soon. So Jeff laid there half awake with me until I ran to the bathroom. That's when the mess started. He later told me this morning he got really hungry while I was throwing up. C'mon who does that? Anyways so after a half an hour of laying on the bathroom floor and my entire Chipolte burrito is in the toilit I wobble back into bed moaning, as Jeff is asking me if he should call the doctor or take me to the hospital. (seriously the cutest thing). And I lay in bed until 4 am awake not being able to move because my tummy hurts so bad! Last night sucked!

Then I had my doctors appointment today. I asked her what she thought was wrong becuase after all I felt pretty good this morning, besides a little queasiness in my tummy. She told me it was probably something I ate. She also told me I will be going to the doctor every week now! Whattt! My heart skipped a beat. It's coming oh so soon! I asked her what she thought about the HPV shot and she said it was fine but she wanted to look into it to make sure it wasn't able to get into my blood stream for when I am breastfeeding.

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