Thursday, March 19, 2009

I can't wait for the day:

1. My converse actually fit.
2. I can fit into my jeans again.
3. I can Run!
4. I don't have to rub coco butter or any other kind of 'anti' stretch mark cream on my body.
5. I no longer go to bed at 9:30 pm.
6.. I can sleep anyway I want to!


  1. or the day:
    1. you get to push a 7 pound baby out of your vagina.
    2. you finally get to hold Scarlett
    3. your nipples get raw
    4. you get to wake up every 3 hours with your baby.
    5. you're sleep deprived.
    6. you watch Jeff with his daughter.
    7. and you wouldnt change a thing.
    8. and you would DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. okay yeah... But not for another decade.
