Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today we took Scarlett in the pool. Jeff has been waiting anxiously for this day!! She wasn't too sure about it at first but towards the end she loved it. And with repition I believe she will get used to it and enjoy it more. She was pretty stiff and wasn't sure what to think about it. But regardless, it was still a blast and I hope she always enjoys it. Here are some pictures! First from this morning of her sitting up with the help of the boppy!


This picture would have been perfect if she was looking at the camera!

Friday, June 26, 2009

I cannot believe how much Scarlett is growing and how eager she is to sit up and roll over. She can roll over on her side and is trying really hard to roll over to her tummy. And she loves sitting up and standing!!! I love how she gets so excited when she sees the bottle coming. And I love how she can sit there and watch cartoons while I get ready!! It makes my life so much easier! Here are some pictures of her trying to sit up. I laid her in her boppy on her back and she positoned herself like this!!

She always sleeps like this!! We love it.

Sleeping with Mommy in the morning!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Scarlett went for her month check up last week. 11 pounds 1 ounce 23 inches long! The doc said she is in the 75%. Woohoo!! She is getting so big so fast. She talks so much now and is always so smiley!! She is intrigued especially by a deep mans voice.. Oh no!!! And she now tries to escape out of her car seat doing mini sit ups lifting her head up. I love it. The cutest thing happeend when we were in the car I was at a red light and I looked behind me and she saw my face in the mirror and smiled. She sure knows how to brighten my day when the day is blue! Scarlett is my life.
Cousin Taylin! Can you see the resembelnce?
Scarlett and Auntie Frederica!

Talk talk talkin' away!

she's always so smiley!!!

Aunt Kyles

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I can't believe Scarlett is almost 2 months old!!! I finally got some pictures of her smiling!! Enjoy!

Thursday, June 4, 2009